Supported Features

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Supported Features

The exporter supports a wide variety of situations: moving objects, meshes with textures, far trackers, far meshes (but not non-far camera-parented at present), lights, helper points.

Requires Flame 2025 and SynthEyes 2024.5 to run. Flame version check on read-in.

Send Flame clips or BFX nodes to SynthEyes for tracking.

“New” or “Update” exports from SynthEyes – selected automatically with option to “Force ‘New’ exports” for exporting to remote artists.

Tag-based folder configuration setup via “Integrate with Flame” tool, which runs automatically or via SynthEyes’s Scripts/Flame menu.

Clips or BFX nodes (for color correction) in Flame converted to a sequence for SynthEyes.

Timeline BFXs and multiple shots in a single Batch Group OK.

Full clip length sent, with head/tail set, for easy adjustment when head/tail change.

Environment variables for filename translation between source and target computers.

Export: cameras

Option for free or target-point camera export.

Target point distance from focus distance channel in SynthEyes if available.

Lens undistortion and redistortion nodes using new builtin Flame 2025 Lens Distortion node.

Zero-pass (overscan) exports.

Export moving objects.

Export trackers (regular or Far)

Option for chisel meshes in addition to axis nulls for trackers (“renderable trackers”).

Export meshes: world, object, camera or far-camera situations.

Texture maps for meshes, lit or unlit, with or without transparency (alpha).

Opacity for meshes — see the “material/transparency” channel.

Option to output planes as “surfaces” instead of meshes (name starting with “Card” or “Surface”, no texture, and no external file name).

Special card/surface naming convention of Card…_(hres)_(vres) for correct sizing with images of different resolution than shot. Configure with “Script/Flame/Set Card Resolution” script.

Export lights

Export helper aka extra points.

Changes to mesh and tracker parenting on updates.

Changes in camera/tracker/mesh/light/moving-object/helper names pushed from SynthEyes to Flame by updates.

Similarly, object deletion in SynthEyes pushed to Flame by updates.

Objects deleted in Flame stay deleted, don’t continue to be rebuilt (actually they do, but are then deleted!)

Animated illumination color for meshes, (renderable) trackers, lights

“Send to SynthEyes” menu item in Flame’s Batch schematic

“Receive from SynthEyes” menu item in Flame’s Batch and Action schematics --- new or updated

“Reopen in SynthEyes” menu item in Flame’s Batch and Action schematics.

Workflow sequencing error detection and messaging.

User-selectable formats for sequences written by Flame for processing by SynthEyes, including the option for a user to supply a preset named as “flame_user_preset.xml” in the SynthEyes User Data Folder.

Write in memory-only textures to disk for export.

Multiple modes for meshes, whether they are written out by SynthEyes (maximum consistency with Flame), or whether they are left as references to the original file, either at its original location or in the Flame project folder.

Option to do a SynthEyes File/Save each time the exporter runs.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.