Time Slider

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Time Slider

The graph editor time slider has two modes, controlled by the selector icon at left in the images below.


Slider mode. The slider locks up with the canvas area above it, showing only the displayed range of times.


Scroll mode. The slider area always shows the entire length of the shot. The dark gray box (scroll knob) shows the portion displayed in the canvas.

In the time slider mode:

left-click or –drag to change the current time.

Middle-drag to pan the canvas or control-middle to scrub (release control and shift to scrub fast or faster), or

right-drag to zoom/pan the time axis (same as in the canvas area and main SynthEyes time bar).

In the time scroll mode:

left-drag inside the gray scroll knob to drag the region being displayed (panning the canvas opposite from usual),

left-drag the blue current-time marker to change the time,

left-click outside the knob to “page” left or right,

double-click to center the knob at a specific frame,

middle-drag to pan the canvas in the usual way or control-middle to scrub (release control or hold shift to scrub fast or faster), or

right-click to expand to display the entire shot.

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