Transferring 3-D Coordinates

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Transferring 3-D Coordinates

If you would like to use within MicroStation the 3-D positions of the trackers, as computed by SynthEyes, you can bring them into MicroStation as follows.

1. You have the option of exporting only a subset of points from SynthEyes to MicroStation. All trackers are exported by default; turn off the Exportable checkbox on the coordinate system panel for those you don’t wish to export. You may find it convenient to select the ones you want, then Edit/Invert Selection, then turn off the box.

2. In SynthEyes, File/Export/Plain Trackers with Set Names=none, Scale=1, Coordinate System=Z Up. This export produces a .txt file listing all the XYZ tracker coordinates.

3. In MicroStation, bring up the Tools/Annotation/XYZ Text toolbar.

4. Click the Import Coordinates tool. Select the .txt file exported from SynthEyes in Step 1. Set Import=Point Element, Order=X Y Z, View=2 (or whichever you are using).

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