Translating Tooltips, Menus, and More

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Translating Tooltips, Menus, and More

Tooltips are what you get when you rest (hover) the mouse over a button or checkbox for a little while, and a text box pops up to explain what it does. There are many such tooltips throughout SynthEyes, and they often contain very important details, such as what happens when you right-click or shift-click, etc.

SynthEyes can offer you machine-translated versions of those tooltips, to hopefully help you better and easier understand what the controls do. (Sorry, SynthEyes is a niche product; we can’t offer human translations of the entire user interface and 1000-page manuals. SynthEyes is not a mass-market product such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop.) The tooltips seem likely to translate reasonably well and you don’t have the screen space limitions of buttons and other controls.

When you start SynthEyes for the first time, you’ll be offered a language selection dialog as shown below. SynthEyes may be able to detect your native language setting; either way you can select whichever language you like, or stick with English.


When you select the language, you’ll always get tooltips in that language as the initial option, but you can get the original English version by holding down shift or control before you hover. You get the advantages of both English and your native language for tooltips, making this a very strong approach.

You’ll notice that there are additional checkboxes allowing you to use translated versions of additional types of information:


Script names (on menus)

Much of the user interface: buttons, checkboxes, static text, etc.

While tooltips are usually complete sentences that are reasonably suitable for translation, menus, script names, and user interface controls tend to be short, abbreviated, idiosyncratic, etc and thus harder to translate. Additionally, the controls have limited space available, which is an issue for languages that use more screen space than English.

As a result, it is up to you to decide what is the best language selection and decide what items you want translated and which you do not, according to your needs. You can change your mind at any time by opening Edit/Preferences; the language settings are at upper right.

As everything is machine-translated with no human verification, we apologize in advance for any specific translations that may be incorrect, misleading, comic, not politically correct, inappropriate, offensive, heretic or the like. Please let us know if that is the case so that we may be able to correct them in future SynthEyes versions.

If you are interested in a translation for a different language, please let us know; these are relatively easy to create and can be installed without requiring a new SynthEyes build.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.