Unsupported Features

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Unsupported Features

Here are some features or situations the exporter doesn’t currently offer, often because of limitations in Flame’s Python API.

Only one camera/shot is exported (that of the active camera/object)

No 1- or 2-pass Lens Workflow! (Overscan rendering is used instead)

Geometric Hierarchies. The axes will move as expected, but not as a hierarchy.

Non-far meshes parented to a camera are currently not positioned properly (this usage is rare).

Clips/Batch groups created from a timewarped node at a different frame rate than the project: these are not currently supported pending further study.

Renaming from Flame. Rename in SynthEyes and push an update!

Changing from the Default camera to a Camera3D or back is experimental at best; manual assistance is required due to missing Python API features.

Changing from Free to Target cameras or vice versa.

Changes to mesh texturing.

Changes to tracker chisel color, chisel size, axis size, mesh color, or mesh illumination channels.

The Overscan value can’t be updated automatically, due to a Flame python limitations. You’ll be instructed what to do.

Action node’s Shading control is Active if any meshes or renderable trackers are being exported. This is done automatically during the first export; subsequently it must be adjusted manually if necessary.

Added meshes or tracker chisels will be gray, won’t have render color or texture maps.

If you update a mesh in SynthEyes, then generate an ‘Update’ export for it, you’ll need to select the mesh’s “Alembic Scene” node in the Action node, then click ‘Refresh’ to reload it into Flame.

Making trackers or meshes visible or not (initially or as an update)

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.