What’s Exported

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What’s Exported

The exporter handles many different kinds of data, pretty much all we could find in common between the applications.

Shot setup information in addition to the sequence name, such as plate size, centering, and pixel aspect.

Cameras , including path, focal length (possibly animated), and, optionally, camera clipping planes.

Lens distortion , possibly animated. SynthEyes configures 3DE4 in a way that permits SynthEyes-style per-key or per-frame animation.

NOTE: Stereo shots are currently not handled specially; they are exported as two unrelated cameras. Let us know if this affects your usage.

A SynthEyes focal distance track, if one is present, only if there is no animated distortion (in which case “focal distance” is used to help implement animated distortion in 3DE4, which doesn't support it directly).

Camera shutter angle from the Perspective View's Rendering system.

Rolling shutter value, if present.

Moving objects (to 3DE4 point groups). Since 3DE4 doesn't appear to support point group hierarchies, GeoH hierarchies in SynthEyes are exported as independently-animated objects. You should be able to reassemble the hierarchy in downstream 3-D apps if needed.

Trackers , including 2-D tracking information, 3-D solved position, 3-D coordinate axis lock coordinates and enables, and show/hide status.

Tracker color. The 24-bit SynthEyes color is mapped to the best-matching color of the twelve available 3D Equalizer colors.

Tracker weight. 3DE4 doesn't support per-frame animated weights, so an average of the minimum and maximum is supplied.

Motion-capture-style trackers with animated 3-D positions, ie from the “Animate Trackers by Mesh Projection” script. These go into a special point group.

Distance constraints between trackers.

Meshes , including vertex coordinates, quads, texture coordinates, texture filename (after prefix replacement), per-vertex colors, RGBA mesh display color, show/hide status, and backface culling mode. (No vertex-caching- based features are known to be available in 3DE4, which would be required to handle GeoH deformations.)

Far meshes, ie sky domes.

NOTE: Mesh vertex/tracker links are not currently exported, inquire if that functionality is desired; it looks to be possible.

Flexes , as a linear path in 3DE4 (visible only when wireframes are displayed).

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