Writing Image Distortion Sequences

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Writing Image Distortion Sequences

If your distortion settings include animated parameters, or in the classic model, zooming distortion or zoom with an anamorphic squash setting, the distortion map is different on every frame. You can write the entire sequence using Shot/Write Undistortion Sequence and Shot/Write Redistortion Sequence. (Movie files are not suitable for this purpose.)

The sequences are largely subject to the same alpha and compression preferences as described in the previous section, for Shot/Write Distortion Maps.

However, the output file names are separate so you can set the name for each sequence directly (ie without Redistort being tacked on somewhere).

A frame is written for every frame of the shot, from Start Frame to End Frame from the shot setup panel.

You should supply the literal name of the first frame that is to be written, including whatever frame number you desire, possibly including leading zeroes. That might be img1.png, img000.tif, img001000.png, img097.exr etc depending on the first frame of the shot and your numbering convention. SynthEyes doesn't attempt to read your mind or reverse-engineer any other settings: the file name you give is where the first image output goes.

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