Zero-Weighted Trackers

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Zero-Weighted Trackers

Suppose you had a visual feature you were so unsure of, you didn’t want it to affect the camera (or object) path and field of view at all. But you wanted to track it anyway, and see what you got. You might have a whole bunch of leaves on a tree, say, and hope to get a rough cloud for it.

You could take your tracker, and try bringing its Weight in the solution down to zero. But that would fail, because the weight has a lower limit of 0.05. As the weight drops and the tracker has less and less effect, there are some undesirable side effects, so SynthEyes prevents it.

Instead, you can click the zero-weighted-tracker (ZWT) button on the tracker panel, which will (internally) set the weight to zero. The undesirable side effects will be side-stepped, and new capabilities emerge.

With a weight of zero, ZWTs do not affect the solution (camera or object path and field of view, and normal tracker locations), and can not be solved until after an initial camera and/or object solution has been obtained. ZWTs are solved to produce their 3-D position at the completion of normal solving.

Warning : Do not expect constraints on ZWTs to affect the overall coordinate system. As we just said, ZWTs do not affect the solution!

The main solver changes some trackers to Far when they have very little perspective (and consequently can even show up behind the camera). You can change those trackers to ZWTs instead, to get rough (distant) 3-D information for them, without affecting the main solve.

Tip : There is a separate preference color for ZWTs. Though it is normally the same color as other trackers, you can change it if you want ZWTs to stand out automatically.

Importantly, ZWTs are automatically re-solved whenever you change their 2-D tracking, the camera (or object) path, or the field of view. This is possible because the ZWT solution will not affect the overall solution.

It makes possible a new post-solving workflow.

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