Appendix 2: Answers to Exercises

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Appendix 2: Answers to Exercises


Q: look at the right-click menu. Q: Try the nice day example above, then control-up-arrow. Q: What is camera01's field of view? Q: Define stop loudly to stop playing and say the final frame number. Q: What are the room names? Q: How many colors are there? Q: What is the plural of mesh? How does Synthia know? Q: Try the obvious Q: What nonterminal matches an outcome? What else matches it? Q: Find some ways to minimize Synthia with rules using `LLhide` Q: Find alternate forms with rules meaning shut down. Q: How many rules have you created? Q: define half time as click half speed instead. What is the left-hand nonterminal now? Q: Make the sentence help me open Synthia's pdf manual. Q: Create a rule that restores the current value of the scene's multiple export settings, so that you can create and switch among different sets. Q: Where else might you want to use a variation on current value in the putback rule above? Q: How can you delete the last rule you created, if it is wrong? Q: Create a noisy lock verb, to lock a tracker then what's been done. Q: How many metaattributes does a camera have? Q: How can you talk about a vector at specific coordinates? Q: Find the internal rules associated with a tracker's location. Q: Find the possible values of a tracker's axis lock metaattribute. Q: Make all trackers unlocked and far—but a little quicker. Q: Find all the hidden metaattributes, and how to hide one. Q: List all the metaverbs Q: What if you don't want to export some trackers? Q: How do you set the value on one frame from a value on another? Q: What does flash red and blue trackers really mean? Q: What does flash trackers that are red and blue do? Q: Find ten longest-lived trackers Q: Short-lived trackers aren't as reliable; create an adjective to find them. Q: Use a far tracker to position a distant light Q: Make teapot 1 twice as far from the origin Q: You made 10 teapots with Duplicate Mesh. Twist them 45 degrees. Q: Define a rule to easily translate the whole scene by a vector. Q: Check out the various forms of transform whole. Q: Create a less redundant version using otherwise or return. Q: Add a center tracker to be clicked in the middle of the favorites. Q: Define your own multi-step procedure. Q: Tell Synthia to reset to the Solver room if there is no current room. Q: For illustration only, determine if it is a stereo shot via the Shot menu. Q: What action id might be handy for a tea party? Q: What does the sentence go! do? Q: Create a mesh, open the Duplicate Mesh script, then look at its children. Q: What's different if you then click control-up-arrow in the text entry window? Q: Define a procedure to show all a window's children, and their children... Q: How does click ok work? What effect can that have? Q: Turn on Corners on the Summary Panel, regardless of its prior state. Q: Click the Set Seed button on the Coordinates panel using its id. Q: The better approach: define a procedure for Set Seed directly. Q: Make an equivalent to create cones. Why is it less useful? Q: Turn on the cloud system. Q: Try the example just given. Q: Find the synthia_my_rules.sia file and read what's in it. Q: exit from Synthia, find synthia.xml, delete it, start Synthia, and watch the rebuild. Q: Find the existing input substitutions Q: Define input substitutions for a SynthEyes/Synthia word to correct common misspellings that are not valid words. Use the cloud! Q: Anything in Synthia about cubes? Q: What kinds of meshes are there? Q: List all possible solvermodes. Q: List all possible goldenvalues. How many are there really? Q: Locate and use the additional forms of for each. Q: Say the number of selected trackers when the selection changes. Q: What are the rules for the os x context? Q: What are synonyms for os x? Q: Create snarky rules for what's under the hood? for each operating system. Q: Delete those three rules. Q: Write 1+2*3 to get 9 without changing the order of the numbers. Q: How can you list private rules? Q: Synthia contains magic. Find it.

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