Operating SynthEyes by 'Remote Control'

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Operating SynthEyes by 'Remote Control'

With metaobject, metaattributes, and metavalues described in the prior sections, you can configure the SynthEyes scene directly. That is the preferred method!

But in some circumstances, you may need to push the buttons and other controls from Synthia by "remote control," to create workflow procedures or to operate controls that aren't part of the SynthEyes scene. For example, the tracker cleanup dialog has many controls that aren't in the scene—and it has to lock the entire scene while it is displayed anyway.

Automatically configuring exporter parameter panels is another important and necessary use. (Note that Synthia cannot control system-provided dialogs, such as file pickers. File setup should be done using Synthia operations specifically for that, see

a file and a folder.)


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