Direct Attribute Access

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Direct Attribute Access

You can access all the shots, all the cameras, all the trackers, etc, using lists supplied by SyLevel, ie Objs(). These are equivalent to the Obj, Trk, etc lists in Sizzle. You can then access and change the attributes of those SynthEyes/Python objects. All attributes are reflected (available) automatically to SyPy. See the Sizzle documentation for a description of all the attributes.

If you use SyObj to examine SynthEyes objects (trackers, meshes, shots, etc) and change their attributes, you need to put such changes inside Begin/Accept calls to create an appropriate Undo block, see the next section.

Animated attributes utilize the current frame on the user interface. To access or change attributes at other times, use SetSzlFrame to set an override, or use the GetF/SetF accessors in SyObj.

Attributes that reference other SynthEyes objects produce and consume SyObj structures, ie the unnecessarily complex shot.Get("cam") or the simpler equivalent, where shot is a SyObj referring to a shot, produces a SyObj referring to the shot's camera.

SyPy can also utilize points, vectors, and transforms. A point is represented as a Python list of two floats, a vector as a list of three floats. A transform is a list of four vectors, each a list of three floats (list-of-lists format). Vectors and transforms are in the user's selected coordinate system setting and rotation ordering, unless they are changed locally in SyPy (see Sizzle Interface Control).

For calculations with transform matrices, see the SyTrans class. It contains a transform list of lists and can perform the usual composition and inversion operations transforms.

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