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SynthEyes Entity Access
MakeObj(ty, idx) Makes a SyObj of the given type and index. If the index is
less than zero, None will be returned, except if the type is GLOBAL or SCENE for which a negative value is appropriate.
Active() Returns a SyObj for the active tracker host
SetActive(sob) Sets the active tracker host object to the one given. Must be done inside an undo block.
NumByType(ty) Find the number of objects of the given type.
Scene() one Scene SyObj
Globals() one Globals SyObj
Prefs() an iterator that also has getattr/setattr attribute-name access. See the section on Preferences.
Shots() a list of all shots in the scene
Objects() a list of all cameras and moving objects in the scene
Cameras() a list of all cameras in the scene
Trackers() a list of all trackers in the scene
Meshes() a list of all meshes in the scene
Lights() a list of all lights in the scene
Extras() a list of all extra helper points in the scene
Notes() a list of all notes in the scene
CreateNew(ty) Create a new SynthEyes object of the specified type. Use for OBJ, MESH, LIGHT, NOTE. New objects are always moving objects attached to the current open shot. Returns the new object.
CreateNewTracker(obj) Create a new tracker attached to the specified camera or
moving object (SyObj), returns the new tracker.
CreateNewPhase(phty) Create a new phase, given its numeric type. Returns the
new phase.
Delete(sob) Delete an object, either a camera/moving object, tracker, phase, mesh, extra point, note, or light.
ClearSelection() Unselect, clears single, tracker, and mesh selects
SelectedTrackers() A list of all selected trackers, which are always on the CURRENT object
SelectedMeshes() A list of all selected meshes in the entire scene
SelectedObject() Returns a single-selected object. Could be a single tracker
or mesh if only one is selected, or a camera or light, where only one objected can be selected at a time. See isSelected attrs
Select1Object(obj) Clear all selections, then select this one object of any
selectable type (eg not shots). See isSelected attrs
FindByName(ty, nm) Find the object of the given type with the given name. The
ty argument can also be CAM for cameras, or TRKCUR for trackers on the currently active object.
FindObjByName(nm) Find a camera or moving object by name
FindTrackerByName(nm) Find a tracker by name. Beware: tracker names such as
Tracker01 frequently occur on many or all objects! The first match will be returned, regardless of object.
FindTrackerOnObjectByName(ob, nm) Find the tracker on this specific object
FindMeshByName(nm) Find a mesh given its name
ReadOBJ(fnm) Read obj mesh, return a mesh SyObj or None. See also SyObj.ReadObj()
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