User Interface Controls

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User Interface Controls

The User Interface calls do not have to be inside an Undo block: the user interface is not part of the scene state and does not interact with the Undo system.

Redraw() Redraw the scene. You must do this after making any changes to the scene that don't already have their own Redraw call built in.

ReloadAll() Does a deeper refresh of changed items onto the user interface, such as the title bar. Built into the shot accept calls. Call Redraw after this.

Frame() Returns the current user-visible frame number

SetFrame(frm) Set the current frame number. See also SetSzlFrame


View() Gets the viewport configuration, a string as shown on the selector.

SetView(viewnm) Set the viewport configuration to the given string

SetRoomWithView(viewnm) Sets the viewport configuration, and records this view

configuration as the one to use with this room.

Room() The current room name. Will be null at startup

SetRoom(roomnm) Change the room

AnimStart() Get the starting frame number of the animation playback range.

SetAnimStart(frm) Set the starting frame number of the animation playback


AnimEnd() Get the ending frame number of the animation playback range.

SetAnimEnd(frm) Set the ending frame number of the animation playback range.

Play() Begin playback in the SynthEyes interface

Stop() Stop playback in the SynthEyes interface

IsPlaying() Returns 1 if SynthEyes is playing, 0 if stopped.

PlaybackRate() Get the relative playback speed, ie 1.0 for normal, 2 for twice, 0.5 for half, 0.001 for frame by frame. The playback rate is negative when playing in reverse.

SetPlaybackRate(rate) Set the relative playback speed, ie 1.0 for normal, 2 for

twice, 0.5 for half, 0.001 for frame by frame. Use a negative number to playback in reverse.

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