Window Operations

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Window Operations

You can script operations that simulate user actions, such as clicking buttons, selecting an option, closing windows, etc. Most of this occurs using the SyWin class. SyLevel provides the accessors to get the initial top-level SyWin objects (windows), which you can then examine and manipulate further.

Main() Returns the SyWin for the main window

Popup() Returns the SyWin for the single active modal popup window.

Status() Returns the SyWin for the status line window.

Floating(wtitl) Returns the SyWin for the floating window with the given

title. Implementation limitation: the Floating() call is unable to locate a floating Camera View (only).

For example, you can click the "Zoom lens" button on the main panel when the Summary panel is open using the following snippet:

hlev.Main().ByName("Zoom lens").ClickButtonAndWait()

Tip: you can use Synthia to easily look around at the window structure; it provides name, class, and ID information for windows.

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