Coalesce closest in 3-D

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Coalesce closest in 3-D

The Coalesce nearby trackers does not operate on 360VR shots. Instead, the Coalesce closest in 3-D tool is available, which does work because it doesn’t matter what kind of shot is involved. It simply examines the solved 3-D positions of the trackers, and merges the closest ones together that are less than a certain threshold apart. See the reference for details.

This tool is OK for 360VR shots, and even regular 2-D shots, as long as they have enough motion to adequately localize the trackers, say viewed from directions 90 degress or more apart, such that the uncertainty in their position is roughly spherical,

not an elongated ellipsoid. The Coalesce nearby trackers is much better at dealing with situations where this is not the case, as long as it is not a 360VR shot.

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