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Right-Click Menu
Important: in several cases, the results of a menu operation depend on which tile is right-clicked to open the menu.
Home. Scrolls the tiled frame display to the top of the page.
To End. Scrolls the tiled frame display to the bottom of the page.
Show FOM. Shows the figure of merit curve for match-type supervised trackers within each tile: how well the reference pattern matches image on a given frame. Larger values indicate problems.
Show Error. Shows the error curve within each tile: how far the 2-D tracker location is from the 3-D tracker location. Larger values indicate problems.
Select only valid. Starting from the set of selected and displayed trackers, unselect those that are not valid on the current frame, to reduce clutter.
Select same color. Select all other trackers on the same camera/object that have the same color as the clicked-on tracker.
Stereo spouses. Instead of showing the selected trackers, the SimulTrack view shows the matching tracker on the other camera of the stereo pair. Open two SimulTrack views simultaneously, and see both sides at once.
Stereo lefts. The SimulTrack view shows the selected trackers on the left camera of the stereo pair. (If the left camera is not the active object, the matching trackers of selected trackers in the right camera are shown.)
Stereo rights. The SimulTrack view shows the selected trackers on the right camera of the stereo pair. (If the right camera is not the active object, the matching trackers of selected trackers in the left camera are shown.)
(Locked). Shows whether the clicked-on tracker is locked or not (though you can already tell if it's name is enclosed in parentheses, ie "(Tracker1)"), and allows you to unlock or relock it.
Lock All. Locks all currently-selected trackers.
Unlock All. Unlocks all currently-selected trackers.
Is ZWT . Shows whether the clicked-on tracker is a zero -weighted tracker, and toggles that status.
Exactify. Sets a key on this frame of the clicked-on tracker, exactly at its solved 3-D location (as seen in the image).
Generate autokeys. Fills out additional keys at a spacing determined by the Key (every) setting of the tracker panel, based on the 3-D location, computed as if the tracker was a zero-weighted tracker (which it may be). Adjust these keys to refine the track.
Strobing this. Show and toggle whether or not the clicked-on tracker is strobing at this frame.
Unstrobe all. Stop all trackers from strobing, on all frames.
Expanded this. Shows and toggles whether or not the clicked-on tracker is expanded (showing all the intervening non-keyed, tracked, frames between this key and the next).
Close all. Closes (un-expands) all key frames on all trackers.
Bigger tiles. When checks, uses a larger tile size for each tile. Normal and bigger tile sizes are set in the SimulTrack section of the preferences.
Force row mode. When checked, always uses the row-style display, regardless of the number of trackers selected.
Remove menu ghosts. Some OpenGL cards do not redraw correctly after a pop-up menu has appeared, this control forces a delayed redraw to remove the ghost. On by default and harmless, but this lets you disable it. This setting is shared throughout SynthEyes and saved as a preference.
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